Ninhydrin, >98%
產品型號:101-485-47-2 商品規格: |
Ninhydrin, a tricyclic 1,2,3-trione, is a useful organic building block.It is an amino acid reagent, which reveals latent fingerprints on porous surfaces like paper, cardboard and raw wood.
Reagent for determination of amino acids and amine containing compounds, as an intermediate.Ninhydrin is used for the determination of amino groups in amino acids, peptides and proteins. It finds application in forensic science for the analysis of latent fingerprints on porous surfaces such as paper. It is also used in thin layer chromatography (TLC) to monitor the progress of chemical reactions.
In Kaiser test, it plays an important role to monitor the deprotection in solid phase peptide synthesis.
MW: 178.14
Reagent for determination of amino acids and amine containing compounds, as an intermediate.Ninhydrin is used for the determination of amino groups in amino acids, peptides and proteins. It finds application in forensic science for the analysis of latent fingerprints on porous surfaces such as paper. It is also used in thin layer chromatography (TLC) to monitor the progress of chemical reactions.
In Kaiser test, it plays an important role to monitor the deprotection in solid phase peptide synthesis.
Store at room temp.