



  • DAPI (4,6-DiAmidino-2-PhenylIndole Dihydrochloride
  • 產品型號:101-28718-90-3



DNA (Nuclear) Staining Reagent. Synonym: 2-(4-Amidinophenyl)-6-indolecarbamidine dihydrochloride, , DAPI dihydrochloride

C16H15N5 · 2HCl
M.W.: 350.25
Assay (HPLC): 98.8%
Solution: Clear (10g in 1L solution in water 20ºC)
TLC: Single Spot
Yellow Orange Powder

DAPI is several times more sensitive than ethidium bromide for staining DNA in agarose gels. It may be used for photofootprinting of DNA, to detect annealed probes in blotting applications by specifically visualizing the double-stranded complex, and to study the changes in DNA and analyze DNA content during apoptosis using flow cytometry. DAPI staining has also been shown to be a sensitive and specific detection method for mycoplasma.

Suitable for
• DNA staining in agarose gels
• analysis of changes in DNA during apoptosis
• detection of mycoplasma
• photofootprinting of DNA
• immunofluorescent staining of cells

DAPI is an excellent dye for the staining of DNA. The most popular application of DAPI is its use as a reagent to detect mycoplasma or virus DNA in the cell culture.
Use 0.25mg/mL solution.

Stock Conc.: 1-2mg/mL, stable for 6-12 months when store at -20°C, room temp for 1-2 weeks, protect from light.
Working Conc.: 1:1000 dilution of stock solution

Russel, W.C. et al. (1975) Nature 253, 461-462
A simple cytochemical technique for demonstration of DNA in cells infected with mycoplasmas and viruses.
Store at 4ºC

Protect from light.