



  • Mouse (non-immune) Serum IgG, purified
  • 產品型號:31000000



Mouse (non-immune) Serum IgG, purified

SpeciesReactivity: Mouse
Form: Normal Control Ig's
Antigen: Pure Protein
Purity: >95% pure by IEP and SDS-Page.

The lyophilized products should be dissolved in PBS, pH 7.4 to prepare desired concentration by gentle rocking or vortexing at room temperature. Centrifuge the IgG solution briefly (10,000 g, 15 min) to remove any particulate matter. It should be aliquoted and stored frozen for long term use.

This preparation of normal mouse IgG is suitable for coating the ELISA plates or as a non-immune control for ELISA, dot blot, Western or IHC. Recommended testing concn. is approx. 1-10 ug/ml. It is, however, possible that this preparation may be unsuitable for some antigens or cell/tissue extracts and may give slightly higher background. Switching to another preparation from different mouse or vendor may alleviate this problem.

Sodium azide,an inhibitor of peroxidase, must be avoided if used with antibody-HRP conjugates.

Store at 4℃ for short term, -20℃ for long term
Do not store diluted solutions.