



  • Gibberellins A4 + A7 (GA4/7)
  • 產品型號:PT-G358



Promotes internode elongation & breaks certain dormancies in seeds.

Gibberellic Acid; GA4 and GA7
Solubility: KOH

Typical Working Concentration: 0.01 – 5.0 mg/L, varies depending on application, should be determined by end user.

Gibberellins are known to promote shoot (internode) elongation and break certain dormancies in seeds. They also can induce flowering in some plant species.

In a study of potato tuberization, potato cultures treated with 0.01 to 0.03 µM of GA4+7 produced normal shaped tubers, while in the same study, higher concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 µM produced abnormal shaped tubers. Variations of GA4+7 concentrations have also been observed for tobacco callus. GA concentrations of 0.01-5.0 mg/L have been shown to promote shoot development in tobacco callus, while higher concentrations of 5.0 mg/L to 10 mg/L inhibited shoot production.

We also provides Gibberellic Acid Solution at 13 mg/mL PT-G362, Gibberellic Acid Solution at 1 mg/mL PT-G198, and Gibberellic Acid powder PT-G500. 
Store at  4°C.