



  • Gibberellic acid, GA3, >90%
  • 產品型號:101-77-06-5



Gibberellic acid is an endogenous plant growth regulator Synonym: GA3, Gibberellin A3

M.W.: 346.37

    It is a plant growth regulating hormone that promotes plant cell growth and elongation. They promote rapid stem and root growth, induce mitotic division and initiate (break dormancy) and increase seed germination rates. They are also involved in processes such as gravitropism, tensioning and floral display. Gibberellin A3 (G1025, G7645) and A4 (G7276) may be used as supplements to plant growth media such as Murashige and Skoog media.

Claus Schwechheimer. Understanding gibberellic acid signaling--are we there yet?Curr Opin Plant Biol.,2008,11(1), 9-15.
Sven Eriksson.; Henrik Böhlenius.; Thomas Moritz.; Ove Nilsson. GA4 is the active gibberellin in the regulation of LEAFY transcription and Arabidopsis floral initiation.Plant Cell.;2006,18(9), 2172-2181.
Shinjiro Yamaguchi. Gibberellin metabolism and its regulation.Annu Rev Plant Biol.;2008,59225-251.
Plant growth regulator. For an overview of the chemistry of gibberelins, see: Chem. Rev., 92, 573 (1992).

Stock Concentration: 1mg/mL, in ddH2O, use ethanol i advance to help to dissolve the GA3 powder.

Working Concentration: 0.01-5mg/L
Store at Room Temp.
Solution at 4℃.